Student Loans

What Is a Study & Education Loan?

Study and Education Loans are personal loans for students that help to pay for essential expenses as they progress through their course. Maybe you’re retraining in a new skill, going back to university later in life or starting your education straight out of high school.

No matter what stage you’re at, ensuring that you have the money you need to cover tuition costs and other tertiary expenses, can help take some of the strain off so you can focus on your education. There are a variety of reasons students may require a quick cash loan, including:

Why Might I Need a Student Loan

From essential textbooks to an emergency laundry run, there are countless circumstances that may leave students needing money outside of their day-to-day budget. Expenses like these often need to be covered quickly, which is why a Study and Education cash loan can be useful when you do not have time to go through a long application and waiting period.

Loans for Students on Centrelink

If you need a little support between your Centrelink payments, a small cash loan may be able to help.

Loans for Students with Bad Credit

We believe that everyone should have access to a financial solution regardless of past credit history.

Student Loans Made Easy

It is important with all loans that you make sure you can afford the repayments before entering into any agreement. If you cannot, you should consider other options.

Cigno specialises at finding a suitable solution to meet your needs, whether that be a loan option or another financial solution.

See if Cigno can Help Find You a Small Loan Solution Today.


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